Existential Dilemmas

Exploring Existential Dilemmas | Supporting Individuals through Making Sense and Purpose

Humans Being Counselling in Malvern offers comprehensive support to individuals navigating existential dilemmas. Our experienced psychologists provide guidance and counseling to help clients explore their sense of purpose and make sense of life’s complexities. Discover how our compassionate team can assist you on your journey of self-discovery and finding meaning.

Life can be confusing and overwhelming, and we all face existential dilemmas at some point. These are those questions that linger in our minds, such as “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose in life?” Existential dilemmas can cause significant distress, and it’s essential to have support in navigating them.

Understanding Existential Dilemmas

Existential dilemmas are a common experience that can lead to a crisis of meaning and purpose in life. These dilemmas can arise from a variety of factors such as identity, authenticity, and death anxiety. However, it is not always clear what these terms mean and how they contribute to existential crises.


Identity refers to the characteristics and traits that define who we are as individuals. It involves our beliefs, values, experiences, and relationships. Identity is not a static concept, but rather one that is constantly evolving throughout our lives. When individuals experience changes in their identity or feel dissonance between their self-concept and the reality of their lives, they may experience an existential crisis.


Authenticity is the degree to which an individual is true to themselves and their values. When individuals feel like they are unable to express their true selves or feel like they are living a life that does not align with their values, they may experience an existential crisis.

Death Anxiety

Death anxiety is the fear and uncertainty surrounding death and the unknown. It can lead individuals to question the meaning and purpose of life, as well as their own mortality. When individuals are confronted with the reality of their own mortality or the mortality of loved ones, they may experience an existential crisis.

Understanding these concepts is crucial in providing support for individuals experiencing existential dilemmas. In the next section, we will explore how counselling can aid individuals going through these dilemmas and help them find meaning and purpose in their lives.

Finding Purpose And Meaning

The process of finding purpose and meaning is a fundamental part of existential therapy. It involves exploring one’s values, beliefs, and desires to create a sense of direction and fulfillment in life. Counselling can help individuals identify what is important to them and what gives their life meaning.

Through self-discovery and growth, individuals can gain a greater understanding of themselves and their place in the world. This can lead to a sense of purpose, as they discover what they want to achieve and how they want to contribute to their communities.

The Benefits of Counselling for Existential Dilemmas

Existential therapy is a form of counselling that can help individuals going through existential dilemmas. This type of therapy focuses on exploring the fundamental questions of life, such as the search for meaning and purpose, and how these questions relate to an individual’s experiences, identity and values.

Through existential therapy at Humans Being Counselling in Malvern, individuals can gain increased self-awareness and self-reflection, which can facilitate the development of coping strategies. This can help them navigate through the dilemmas they are facing, and ultimately find a sense of fulfillment and purpose in their lives.

One of the primary benefits of existential therapy is that it allows individuals to explore their own values and beliefs. This can help them understand how their values influence their decision-making process, and how they can use this knowledge to make more meaningful choices in their lives.

Existential therapy psychologists also emphasises the importance of dialogue and open-ended questions. This encourages individuals to reflect on their experiences and emotions in a way that is non-judgmental, and provides them with a safe space to explore their thoughts and feelings.

Another key aspect of existential therapy is the process of meaning-making. This involves exploring how experiences and events in an individual’s life contribute to their sense of purpose and meaning.

Ultimately, the goal of existential therapy is to help individuals find their own unique path in life, one that aligns with their values, beliefs, and aspirations. By exploring these fundamental questions, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the world, and can move towards a more fulfilling life.

The Journey Towards Fulfillment

Ultimately, the journey towards finding purpose and meaning is a process that evolves over time. Counselling can help individuals navigate this journey by providing support, guidance, and a safe space to explore their thoughts and feelings.

Through counselling, individuals can develop a better understanding of themselves, their values, and their goals. They can gain the tools they need to overcome obstacles and achieve their desired outcomes, leading to a sense of fulfillment and purpose in their lives.

At Humans Being Counselling, therapy for existential dilemmas is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Using these evidence based and exploratative techniques, individuals can explore their inner selves, find greater meaning and purpose in their lives, and develop the skills they need to cope with life’s challenges.